Monthly Top 5 - June 2021

Hi there,

I hope you're well.

June got out ahead of me this year and I never caught up! Therefore, I didn't do as much Procurement related reading as usual this month. However, as this newsletter's release coincides with Canada day (July 1st every year), I thought I would take the opportunity to share some non-Procurement reading suggestions with you.

I have been thinking a lot about the evolving relationship between nation states and their indigenous populations in the lead up to this year's Canada day.

Given the recent revelations related to the residential schools in Canada, its been impossible not to... There are two short books that have greatly contributed to my thinking on the subject which I'd like to share with you.

For Canadians:

The Indian Act, originally passed in 1876 and amended multiple times since, is a unilaterally imposed law which dictates the rules for indigenous communities living on Canadian reserves. It is the root of Canada's dysfunctional relationship with its indigenous peoples.

For everyone:

Thomas King explores the “ill-advised and failed endeavors” of European settlers and/or Canadian and US governments that have continuously led to loss of indigenous sovereignty and commoditization of their culture. He also explores how we could craft a better road ahead.

I'm hopeful you will find these quick reads interesting and thought provoking. It is by walking a mile in the shoes of other that we can in turn best decide which direction to walk in our own.

Back to the regular format next month.



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