Monthly Top 5 - September 2021

Hi there,

I hope you had a good September.

The last two months have been quite hectic for me... I prepared, executed and am still recovering from... a move. My family dynamic had changed in the previous few years and it was time to move into a space that better met our needs.

Oddly enough, what I realized is that moving is a lot like a procurement transformation. Now, if you've been following me for a while you may be thinking to yourself: "Joël - Not everything can be made into a Procurement transformation analogy..." (haha), but bear with me!

To be successful in a move, you need to:

  • Determine your desired future state based on your particular situation

  • Scope out a property (software) that will help you meet your objectives

  • Buy it

  • Prepare for the move by packing boxes (e.g. data cleansing, config, testing, etc.)

  • Execute the move (transformation project Go-Live) and hope you packed well enough to ensure minimal spillage/breakage

  • Unpack and agree with the family on everything's new spot in the house (change management & training)

  • Get back to your pre-move routines (operations)

  • Wonder what the heck just happened and how you got through it...

I hope this hasn't revived any deeply suppressed memories of your past moves... If it has, I apologize... But my point is that, like a personal move, your procurement transformation projects should not be taken lightly. You're not just purchasing new furniture (software) - you're changing your paradigm (new house!).That's my mindset this month as I picked out the Top 5.

Enjoy and, as always, don't hesitate to get in touch, 


Top 5 Source-to-Pay Articles - September 2021

#1 - A Packaging Revolution on the Horizon??

When I read this story, it blew my mind... That's why it's #1 this month.

The global polystyrene market attained a demand volume of almost 18.6 million metric tons in 2020. And while it is technically recyclable, this is only possible if it is clean, un-dyed, and uncontaminated. In Canada, 80% of the local volume ends up in landfills.

In the past few years, we've seen the advent of plastic air bags as an alternative. But what about replacing Styrofoam with popcorn? Crazy, buttery, fragrant idea? As it turns out, maybe not...

#2 - When Does “The Great Staff Shortage” End?

In this article, Christopher explores the market forces at play that I believe you should consider when elaborating your recruiting strategy. I think we haven't seen the end of labor shortages in all fields...

When Does “The Great Staff Shortage” End?
by Christopher Dwyer at CPO Rising

#3 - What Does "Procurement with Purpose" Mean?

In this great piece, Gordon breaks down what it means to "Procure with Purpose". This is an expression that's been thrown around quite a bit in the last few years in the Procurement world... I would say it has reached Buzzword status...Gordon does a great job of breaking down the process of defining what this expression should mean for you and your organization specifically.

Procurement With Purpose: The Way to Do Business
by Gordon Donovan at Procurement and Supply

#4 - What Does It Mean to Have an “Aligned” Procurement Team?

"Alignment" is another one of those terms that you hear often which means different things to different people as you get into the details. Its definition always depends on the context in which the term is used...As it relates to organizational alignment, Abbe does a great job in this article of illustrating how you can go about ensuring your team is not only aligned around common objectives but also around the "how" (behaviors) to get to those objectives.

#5 - Procurement Technology Innovation Update

I often get asked "What are the most recent innovations in the Procurement technology space?". A great yearly event that puts this innovation on display is the Digital Procurement World DEMO competition.

If you're wondering what's happening on the bleeding edge of Procurement technology, this article is a great 5 minute summary.

You wrote or read a great article? Send it my way, I'd love to read it.


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