Read This Before Your Next Conference

How to avoid wasting your time...

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!

Historically, Thanksgiving is about celebrating a successful agricultural harvest and "giving thanks" to the forces that made it possible. Today, agriculture is still a foundational pillar of modern societies but a lot less of us are directly involved in the process. Therefore, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the holiday…

But, we still “sow and harvest” in our own ways… Here’s how I’ve taken to celebrating Thanksgiving over the years:

  1. Practice gratefulness for what you've "harvested" in your life with friends, family and colleagues.

  2. "Share your harvest" with those less fortunate in your community.

  3. Take a moment to connect with agriculture/nature and where your food comes from.

The beauty? This Thanksgiving concept knows no bounds… So, happy Thanksgiving to you and yours whether your calendar says it's this weekend or not...

On another note, as we head into the fall conference season, you’ll surely be looking to “harvest” ideas and solutions to apply in your business. This week’s Sunday Night Note gives you a process to ensure you’re able to do just that.

Have a great week ahead.



How to 10X the Return of Your Next Conference

When going to conferences, it’s very easy to “go with the flow”, have a great time but be no further on the business problems that brought you to the conference in the first place…

Below, you’ll find my 10-step process to get the most out of your next conference. You can use this process to justify the investment of going in the first place if you tie it back to a business case that needs a few more assumptions worked out.

The only thing I would add to the below is that if you think your answers lie with certain attendees, create your own “sessions” by reaching out to them in advance and scheduling dedicated time to discuss your problem. Send them your documents ahead of time if appropriate.

You can view the the document in LinkedIn format here or download a copy below.

Quote of the Week

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Abraham Lincoln


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